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Write a winning motivation and match with more gigs

Looking to get more gigs via YoungOnes?

Providing a motivation can make all the difference, and help you stand out from the competition.

We know that putting together the perfect motivation isn’t easy. With that in mind, here are some top tips.

Personalise your Approach

One of the key elements of a motivation is personalisation. It’s your chance to show clients that you’ve done your research and understand their specific needs.

Here are two easy ways to personalise your motivation:

  • Begin by addressing the client by name.
  • Mention something specific about their project or company.

If you can do both, you’ll prove both attention to detail and also a genuine interest in their company.

Highlight Relevant Skills and Experience

Freelancers often have a diverse range of skills and experience, so it’s crucial to tailor a motivation to the specific gig you’re applying for. Here are a couple of things that can help:

  • Identify the key requirements of the project and showcase how your skills and previous work meet those needs.
  • Be concise, confident, and provide specific examples to support your claims.

Explain how you can solve their problems.

Address their pain points, and how you can help them. This is your opportunity to show potential clients the positive impact they can make by choosing you as their next freelancer.

Showcase Professionalism

Professionalism is essential when reacting to gigs. Demonstrate that you are reliable – for example highlight repeat work for the same client. Also, make sure you proofread your motivation, so it looks the part.

There are a few key things to consider when writing a motivation.

  • Keep it short and sweet. If something is wordy, chances are it’ll get overlooked.
  • Consider who is posting the gig. If it’s a small, independent company, with a relaxed tone of voice and a friendly relationship with customers, then reflect that as you write. If it’s a five-star hotel with a strict tone and standards, then keep it more formal.
  • A second pair of eyes can make all the difference. Get a friend, a family member or a partner to check over what you’ve written, a proofread might be invaluable.
  • If at first you don’t succeed, try again. It’s rare to get the first gig you react to, and even rarer to write the perfect motivation first time.

Practise makes perfect

Writing an outstanding motivation can significantly enhance your chances of securing gigs on YoungOnes. By personalising your approach, highlighting relevant skills and experience, showcasing enthusiasm, communicating your value proposition, and demonstrating professionalism, you can impress clients and set yourself apart from the competition. Head to the app and write your next winning motivation.

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