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What is a Freelancer?

Freelancing is a well-established way to work around the world. There are over two million freelancers in the UK, who collectively contribute more than £125 billion to the economy.

But what exactly do we mean when we say ‘freelancer’? And why do so many people step away from traditional employment and look for a new way to work?

How do we define ‘freelancer’?

Freelancers come in all shapes and sizes. From financial services to food trucks, plenty of people choose to step away from full-time employment and pursue more flexible work. Freelancers aren’t defined by what they do. Instead, freelancing is about your relationship with the organisation you work for.

Simply put, a freelancer is someone who works on projects for clients without being tied down to a long-term contract or a single organisation. It’s sometimes known as being self-employed or being an independent contractor. It’s about being your own boss, and there’s a whole host of reasons why someone might choose this career path.

Wave goodbye to 9-to-5

As a freelancer, you call the shots on when and how much you work. You can create a schedule that lets you spend quality time with family, pursue your hobbies, or even squeeze in a nap. Sound good? Maybe it’s time for you to say adios to rigid work hours and hello to the freedom of freelancing.


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Flexibility is the name of the game

Another perk of freelancing is choosing your own projects and clients. You’re the captain of your own ship, and you can steer it in the direction that excites you the most. Plus, you have the power to negotiate your rates, which means more money in your pocket.

Work from anywhere

Maybe you’re sick of the traffic on your commute. Maybe you hate your stuffy office. Well, as a freelancer, you have the luxury of working anywhere. Choose jobs locally, pick a commute that suits you, or even work from home. With freelancing, anywhere can be your office (and better still, your pyjamas could be your dress code).

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Balance is key

In a world that’s always on, finding the perfect work-life balance is like striking gold. Freelancing empowers you to take control of your time, workload, and environment. It’s not just about enjoying your work, it’s about living life on your own terms. What’s more, a recent study found that 79% of all workers in the UK had experienced burnout. Demands placed on us by work can often have severe consequences – there’s a clear link between burnout and mental health issues like depression and anxiety, and some studies have even found connections between burnout at work and physical issues like diabetes. Finding a pattern of working that suits you could help keep your body and mind healthy.

Finding jobs

Ready to freelance? Remember, you’re not only your own boss, but you’re also your own marketing agency. Getting customers and working with jobs is your responsibility, and you’ve got to sell yourself and, most importantly, hustle. Using platforms like YoungOnes is a great place to start looking for gigs and embark on your career as a freelancer. Be warned, your reputation has never been more important than when freelancing. Basic professionalism, like punctuality and good communication, is vital to your success. But if you’re good at what you do, the sky’s the limit. Good freelancers can negotiate their pay, and build repeat customers as the develop good relationships.

Managing your money

When that first pay cheque comes in, don’t get too carried away. . Freelancers have to keep on top of their finances. You’ll need to keep an eye on your earnings and put enough aside things like pensions, holiday pay and more. On top of this, you’re responsible for your taxes. Freelancers submit their rax returns directly to HMRC. Sounds tricky? It needn’t be. Check out our FAQs for information on how to make paying tax easy.

Let’s wrap this up

Freelancing is a game-changer for anyone looking for a healthy work/life balance. By picking and choosing the gigs that suit you, you get flexibility, variety and ultimately a way to pay the bills without limiting your freedom. Don’t take our word for it, the stats speak for themselves. 61% of those who were new to self-employment reported their mental health had improved during the year they moved to self-employment.

Ready to give it a go? Download our app and start freelancing with YoungOnes.


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  • Avg pay is £15 an hour
  • Work where and when you want
  • All freelancers are fully insured
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