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Make your gig stand out

Freelancers on YoungOnes have a wide range of clients and gigs to choose from. Finding freelancers can be competitive, and it’s important to stand out from the crowd.  Here are six easy ways to get more eyes on your gig.

Start with a catchy title

The title is one of the first things a freelancer sees when scanning through gigs. Choose a title that specifically states what you’re looking for, whether it’s a one-time gig or a longer-term opportunity. Including the company name in the title can also help freelancers know where they’ll be working right away.

Introduce your company

Writing a brief introduction helps sell your company. Include your industry, and try to communicate . It’s also worth highlighting what makes your company appealing to freelancers. Opportunities to learn new skills? Jaw-dropping location? Let freelancers know.

Describe what you need

Clearly outline the requirements that are part of the gig. Use bullet points or short sentences to make it easy for freelancers to scan through and quickly understand the requirements.

Ready to post? Get your gig live here.

A quick checklist

Here’s a quick checklist you can run through when you need:

  • Eye-catching title
  • Introduce yourself, and give a flavour of your business
  • Simple and informative description, highlighting any extra benefits and necessary info
  • Set expectations to find a great match for your gig in no time

Provide practical information

Include practical details in the gig description, such as accessibility by public transport, required work clothing, and where the freelancer should report to on the day. This helps the freelancer come prepared, and will save you time too. Win-win.

Don’t forget the work perks

Don’t forget to mention any extras your company offers, such as free lunch, coffee, or tea. These perks can be a tempting incentive for freelancers to choose your gig over others.

Set expectations

Be clear about your expectations from the freelancer, such as specific skills or qualifications. This helps the freelancer assess if they’re suitable beforehand, avoiding disappointments later on.

Need extra help posting a gig? Contact your customer success manager and they’ll help you out  Interested in finding freelancers? Let’s get started.

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